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Austin HVAC FAQ’s: How Often Should You Service?

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A: It is recommended to maintain it at least twice a year. Once in the spring to get you ready for the summer, and once in the fall to get you ready for the winter.

It’s very easy to forget about HVAC routine maintenance—if it’s not broken we tend to put it off right?  Well, the problem with that approach is that ignoring routine maintenance can allow a minor issue to turn into a huge one.  We’ve been trusted Austin HVAC specialists for quite some time and every year we get a call like this:

Customer calls in because their AC was working just fine and all of a sudden, the air won’t blow out and the house is 90°. The first question we ask is, “when is the last time you had the unit serviced?” Often, the answer we get is more than two years.

Well, a perfectly working system can encounter the beginning stages of wear and tear that can lead to huge problems if not fixed early on.  In fact, a problem that could be detected on a regular service call often can be fixed for under $50. If that same problem is allowed to multiply and get worse, it could easily end up costing ten times that.  A worn belt here, a busted bearing there, it doesn’t take much—but regular maintenance can catch it.

Austin HVAC Systems Need Regular Maintenance

With the beautiful Hill Country we call home, comes a few cons as well. Let’s focus on the obvious one—this insane HEAT!  We aren’t exactly Laredo hot, but when you combine it with the humidity, it sure feels like it at times.  Austin HVAC systems certainly feel it—they run harder, longer, and hotter, which wears them down.

The good news is, that when you maintain your HVAC system regularly, you are aware of problems as they develop.  One of our technicians can see the early signs of a bearing about to go out and replace it before it does real damage.  A hose that is cracking can be replaced before it busts and leaks valuable coolant.  A capacitor can be replaced before it gives way on the hottest day of the year.

Regular maintenance is not only necessary to prevent major component failure, but it also helps your system run much more efficiently.  Our technicians keep a standard checklist of items that they will visually inspect, parts they need to clean, and adjustments to make based on readings.  The kind of maintenance we are talking about is more than just you changing your filter every three months.

How often you should get routine maintenance on your system is also another topic to consider. The older your system is, the more often you should probably have it checked out. However, for systems less than 7 years old—follow Richard’s advice of spring and fall service.

Schedule Your Maintenance With The Austin HVAC Experts At Oasis

If there is one thing more important than regular HVAC maintenance—it’s getting it done right.  Oasis Services has been a respected Austin HVAC servicer for many years. Our technicians have a combined experience of well over 28 years.  That knowledge and the drive to get jobs done right the first time along with integrity is what drives our success.

Contact us today to schedule your planned HVAC maintenance!

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At Oasis Services, we want to make sure that you are comfortable in your own home even during the toughest of summers. Let us take care of all your HVAC needs so that you can rest easy knowing that your unit will function efficiently and reliably. Whether it’s an upgrade to a brand-new HVAC system or simply replacing or repairing an aging unit, we’ve got you covered. Our team of professionals will deliver exceptional service and installation, ensuring that your system runs flawlessly and saves you money. With our commitment to quality and affordability, you can be confident in choosing us. Call us now and take the first step towards an oasis of cool comfort.